Snohomish County Assessor

Historic Property Information

Welcome to the Historic Property Information Portal

This site contains information scanned from historical paper field books from 1970-1999 that were maintained by the Assessor’s Office. The documents only include records about the history of a parcel and may include pictures.

You can search by:

• Using a 14-digit Parcel Number;

• Using a partial Parcel Number with a Wildcard. Note: Wildcards use an asterisk (*). Example: A search for 005095* would search for all parcel numbers that start with 005059; or

• Using Advance Search by using a New Parcel Number, Old Parcel Number or Box Number.

If you do not know the Parcel Number, please use the ‘Parcel Number Lookup’ link above.

If your search results show “No Results” it indicates that we do not have historic records on this site for the specified parcel number.

After entering the Parcel search information, you will be taken to a Search Results page. For each parcel returned, you will have three options:

View: Selecting this option will open the document in your browser in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf format).

Download: Selecting this option will download the document to your computer where you can open it in Adobe Acrobat and/or save.

Share: Selecting this option will open a new email with the document as an embedded link. You can then send the mail to whomever you add as addressees.

Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided may not represent a full comprehensive historical account. The information in this site is limited to the records that were available to be scanned when converted from paper to electronic medium.

Advanced Search

New Parcel Number
14 digit number
Old Parcel Number
14 digit number
Box Number
Number of physical storage box

The change in Parcel Number format occurred in 2000.
The 14-digit length remained the same, however the structure of the Parcel information changed.

Most parcels existing prior to the year 2000 will have both an Old and New Parcel Number. Parcels created after the year 2000 will only have a New Parcel Number.

The “Box Number” refers to the archival box that the original physical document pages were placed into at the time they were scanned.

Search Results:

Use the filters in the left column to narrow your search
File Old Parcel Number New Parcel Number Box Number
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Please email if you need further assistance.